We are now offering telehealth video consults through our sister company Allied Telehealth. The telehealth consultations allow you to access your treatments from home as we understand many patients may be isolated (rural or urban) or choosing to avoid social contact.
Telehealth allows convenience for people who are not in the same geographical location as the therapist to receive treatment. This may be due to physical isolation (remote, lockdown or quarantine) or socially easier ( e.g elderley, disabled or those who cannot leave young children).
Physiotherapists are registered nationwide in Australia and by mutual recognition in NZ . Registration of your therapist can be checked through the Australian Health Professionals Registration Authority (AHPRA) website at www.ahpra.gov.au . During an initial consult the therapist asks a series of comprehensive questions about your condition, called a subjective examination, from this an experienced physio usually can narrow down what your condition may be. If at any time the therapist feels your condition is not suitable for telehealth and hands-on treatment or a medical consult/ investigation would be more appropriate they will advise you.
While Physiotherapy can be a hands on treatment, there are many ways our team can provide assistance and relief at home. Telehealth consultations allow for:
Telehealth consults will be delivered by Coviu, a secure system initially developed by the CSIRO specifically for health services, this system has end to end encryption, ensures personal data is not stored and no additional programs are required to be downloaded. For more information on Coviu click www.coviu.com . Over a video call, therapists will be able to ask questions about your symptoms, assess you while performing certain movements as well as advise and teach the best treatment strategy. For returning patients we will also be able to check your progression and review or add any additional exercises to your program.
Telehealth is covered by Medicare, Veterans Affairs, Work Cover and NDIS . Some private health funds health funds provide rebates for telehealth under the codes 811 for initial consult and 812 for subsequent consults, please check with your health fund.
For physiotherapy to be covered for telehealth consultations, the patient must:
For telehealth consultations, you will need to be connected to the internet, have a working email address for your consultation link to be sent to and have access to a device with a camera (for example a laptop/tablet/smart phone).
Phone: 07 3889 6056
To book an appointment please call us.
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