Physiotherapy is a university qualified health profession which treats, restores and maintains a person’s health, function, mobility and well being.
Physiotherapists use various techniques to achieve this including:
“Hands on “ techniques such as joint mobilizations (working a joint to increase range or provide pain relief), joint manipulation ( forceful thrust applied to a stiff joint), stretches and massage
Exercises – customised exercises specific to your injury to improve strength, stability, flexibility, proprioception ( joint position sense) and balance – this can be done on land, pool, classes or gym
Advice/ Education– used for posture, work station set up , explanation and progression of injuries, self treatment, various products
Electrotherapy – less frequently used in modern physiotherapy but can be useful in certain conditions e.g. therapeutic ultrasound, TENS
Taping– to help prevent injury, enable return to play, posture correction, improve joint motion, destress overworked muscles
Bracing– used for return to play/ work , acute injury management
Dry needling/ acupuncture – inserting needles
Heat/ Cold– Heat to increase circulation and decrease muscle spasm. Cold to decrease swelling.
There are various disciplines in physio including
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